While, naturally, lesson content differs, other than in P.E. where the groups are combined, we observe the same schedule in our English-medium programme with our two current classes.
8.00 a.m. Literacy 9.45 a.m. Break 10.15 a.m. P.E. 11.00 a.m. Numeracy 12.00 p.m. Lunch & Nap {full-time pupils}
Our Khmer classes, which follow the Cambodian National Curriculum, vary in their teaching programme according to the grade. The Primary class consists of children studying from Gades 1 to 5 at present.
Kindergarten: 2.00 p.m.
Primary: 2.00 p.m. Literacy Grade 1 { Monday-Friday } Literacy Grade 2 { except Thursday } Literacy Grades 3-5 { Monday-Wednesday } Social Studies Grades 2-5 { Thursday } Social Studies/Science Grades 3-5 { Friday }
We are a health-conscious school and, aside from teaching personal hygiene, and including regular exercise in our curriculum, we provide fresh fruit at morning break upon request and discourage snacks that are artificially flavoured or sweetened, or with high levels of salt, starch or saturated fat. We also ask that no food is brought to school in a styrofoam (polystyrene) container. In addition, children are given a lunch that is nourishing and sustaining. It is cooked on the premises and is consumed by staff and pupils alike. An adequate amount of vegetable especially is included in the meal. Our assistant teachers have the responsibility of ensuring children eat enough, and also closely supervise naptime so that every child is refreshed and ready for afternoon school.
We take environmental issues very seriously, not only recycling aluminium, plastic, paper and cardboard, but teaching our children to separate these items accordingly and to help in keeping the school site clean and tidy. This will lead, we hope, with the related material we teach in our curriculum, to their playing their part in looking after the planet one day![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]